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In addition to our fantastic preschool summer program (which also includes a musical theatre emphasis during the Summer), our Falls location is offering Summer Adventure Camps for children who are entering 1st through 5th Grade in the 2024-2025 school year.


Wouldn’t your child like a little adventure this Summer? Our campers will have a full, fun summer of indoor and outdoor active adventures. With non-stop activities, amazing field trips, and fun atmosphere, our campers will stay engaged and have a blast all summer long!


Unlike other area camps, our camp runs from 9:00am to 4:30pm.  Before care and after care are available from 6:30am to 6:30pm for an additional fee of $40/week.  


To Register for Summer Camp, click HERE



Session 1 - June 17-28 - The Great Outdoors - $690 Only 6 spaces left!


What better way to welcome the summer than having fun in The Great Outdoors!? During this session, we’re headed outside!!! Campers will spend this session learning about our environment, our planet, and the amazing creatures and adventures to be found outside our 4 walls. Throughout this summer session, we will appreciate everything Mother Nature has to offer us. We will traverse the magic of Ringing Rocks Park, visit majestic horses at Fire Creek Farm, conquer Kid’s Castle, have a thrilling adventure at Hellericks, and visit animal friends at Elmwood Park Zoo. 


Session 2 - July 1-12 (No camp on July 4th) -What’s Cookin’? - $640 Only 8 spaces left!

(includes lunch on 2 field trip days and one BBQ Day)


Prepare your tastebuds and put your chef skills to the test this summer! During this summer session, we will be making soft pretzels, picking vegetables at Shady Brook Farm, baking pizza from scratch, practicing some cake decorating skills, and creating our very own ice cream flavors at the Turkey Hill Experience! Bring your smiles and appetites for this unique experience. We will end the session with a BBQ using all of our new skills.


Session 3 - July 15-26 - Adventure Awaits - $720Only 5 spaces left!

(includes lunch on 3 field trip days)


Ready… Set…. ACTION!!! This session we are up and on the move with active adventures all over the place. With field trips to the roller rink, Funzilla, Roller Skating, Bowling, and Funplex, we’re getting our campers up and active. We might even throw in a movie theater visit (an action flick, we’re sure). These campers are coming home TIRED!


Session 4 - July 29- August 9 - We’re So Crafty - $690 Only 6 spaces left!


Get ready to create this summer session! We will be learning and practicing all things crafty from painting to sculpting, glasswork to beading! All things are possible when you use your imagination. We will be exploring exciting art adventures from painting in the park to a visit to Penelope Fox Studio to learn about painting and the Art Dept. Studios to explore glass arts and many other artistic adventures.


Session 5 - August 12-23 - Fantasy Quest - $700 Only 8 spaces left!


We love a good bit of fantasy! We are taking a deep dive into all things fantasy and we could not be more excited! Between making dragon eggs and taking on the dragon quest games, this is bound to be one exciting session! We will be exploring the world of the stage with a trip to the theatre, then off to a fantasy-filled day at the movies, and we cap it all off while we explore the circus with a trip to Circus school to learn some acrobatic skills.


Post Week - August 26-30 - Last Blast of Summer - $350 Only 8 spaces left!


In the Last Blast of Summer, the kiddos will head to Kids Castle for an end-of-camp picnic! They will spend the rest of their time playing every field day game we can think of and having LOTS of splash days! This final week of camp is everything you think of when you think of summer camp!





**Please note that field trips are subject to change based on the availability of the venue and may be substituted with a similar trip if necessary**

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